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Doomwheels Kite Skating_Kite Surfing_Kite Buggying_Kite Skiing_Kite Boarding_Kite Blading.
Official website of Doomwheels kite skating enthusiast_Bob Childs and the original kite powered_off-road_in-line skates... the Wheels Of Doom! Vaults of kite traction information and media - photo galleries_videos_slide shows_articles_discussion forum_kit
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Kite Skating Kite Blading Kite Landboarding Kite Skateboarding Kite ATBResources
Kiteskating is an extreme sport using powerful controllable kites to propel skaters to speeds up to 60 mph on in-line skates_off-road skates and mountain boards. Resource info and links for building_buying_learning.
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Kite flying_power kiting_kite courses_kite vibe - KITEVIBE_Richmond Park_London.
Kite flying or power kiting is just about the fastest growing sport on the planet. At Kitevibe we teach a comprehensive range of power kite courses and lessons using fully qualified instructors - Kite vibe.